Edgar Degas - Before the Race 1885

Before the Race 1885
Before the Race
1885 56x65cm pastel
Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art,
Providence, Rhode Island, USA

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From Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art:
The racetrack as a subject intermittently occupied Degas’s attention during most of his mature life as an artist, providing him with a focus for his study of the interaction of form and movement. His Before the Race is built upon three horizontals the fence, the friezelike disposition of the jockeys’ heads, and the horizon line. These elements create a rhythmic contrast to the horses’ curved forms and the prominent vertical strokes of the landscape, which Degas achieved with multiple layers of pastel. Key to the composition is the rigid fence in white gouache, which stands out from the surrounding textures and softer hues of the chalk. The fence pushes the group forward, contributing a sense of excitement and anticipation as the contestants prepare to race.